Gonna make this one a short one but I can't believe it's been 5 months! Down 66 lbs so that it pretty effin awesome! I feel really good. I am so thankful for this band not only for helping me with my health but because of it I have met some pretty kick ass people.
I was asked write for a website called Truth In Change ( Click here to visit truth in change ) It is a weight loss and wellness website designed and created by James Garrison from Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition. Very kick ass guy. Find him on FB!
Anyway got another fill yesterday so I am now at 6.5ccs although I'm really not sure I got a full cc last appointment so who knows. Feeling like I'm getting close to my sweet spot so that will be a good thing. Anyway I will write again soon I've just been crazy busy with some things. Till next time...
Congrats! You are looking great!